Sugess Watch Company distributes and sells all their watches under the Shenzhenshi Sugess timepiece development company trademark.
Starting in 2010, Sugess Timepiece Development Company started selling wristwatches under the brand name Sugess. The main goal being to introduce the art of mechanical watch making to the general consumer.
Since 2010, Sugess Timepiece Development Company has served many major world brands, such as Solvil et Titus, BARBIE, NBA and VERSAILLES. .


From 2010, Sugess timepiece development company serve many major brand at world, such as Solvil et Titus, BARBIE, NBA and VERSAILLES. .
In order to let customer have better experience of mechanical watches with direct communication, Sugess timepiece development company decide make a wristwatches brand call "Sugess"
Anything is started from 2010...