苏格斯 101

Sugess P1963 Review

Sugess P1963 Review: Vintage Style Meets Modern Craftsmanship

What happens when vintage military precision meets modern watchmaking craftsmanship? The Sugess P1963, a reimagined...

The Ultimate Sugess Watch Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Sugess watches have been making waves in the horological world, captivating enthusiasts with their unique blend...
Sugess 101: Jumping Hour
jumping hour

Sugess 101:跳跃时间

跳时机制与传统手表的时针缓慢扫过表盘的方式不同。具有跳时机制复杂功能的手表的时针不会在小时之间缓慢扫过。 小时指示器不再采用连续的扫描运动,而是在每个小时的开始立即跳转到下一个小时,从而精确而独特地显示当前小时。 -Sugess 手表 https://sugesswatch.com/